5 Reasons Why You Should Try Real Mad Honey
So you’ve heard of mad honey, but you’re still not sure if you should give it a try, or even which brand has the safest and purest product. What if we put you at ease, and show you what others who have tried Real Mad Honey really have to say about it?
You don’t have to just take our word for it! There are people all over the place sharing their own experiences. Check out what they have to say…
#1 Here's What Happened After 30 Days Of Real Mad Honey
– Stephen H.
Kiss anxiety medication goodbye! Sleep better and stay calmer easier without the help of prescription mood altering medications. Even you friends and the people around you daily will notice the difference.
Get 10% off on your first purchase With The code “HD10”
#2 Get A Full Night's Sleep
– Chad
Ditch those other sleep aids and melatonin supplements and get a full night’s sleep without a bunch of pills. And when you wake up, you won’t feel like garbage. You’ll be fully rested and ready for the day!
Stop taking melatonin every night with little effect.
Get 10% off on your first purchase With The code “HD10”
#3 Relax Easier, And Say Goodbye To Anxiety
– Aaron
If you’re typically a very anxious person, and a bit of an over thinker, ruining your own night out instead of relaxing and having a good time with your friends, here’s your answer. And if that over-thinking has you worried about the initial experience of Real Mad Honey, stop worrying. It’s as smooth as it gets.
Get 10% off on your first purchase With The code “HD10”
#4 Replace All Those Supplements And Save Money
– Danny J.
If you’re typically a very anxious person, and a bit of an over thinker, ruining your own night out instead of relaxing and having a good time with your friends, here’s your answer. And if that over-thinking has you worried about the initial experience of Real Mad Honey, stop worrying. It’s as smooth as it gets.
Get 10% off on your first purchase With The code “HD10”
#5 A Skeptic Turned Believer
– Steven J.
If you’re typically a very anxious person, and a bit of an over thinker, ruining your own night out instead of relaxing and having a good time with your friends, here’s your answer. And if that over-thinking has you worried about the initial experience of Real Mad Honey, stop worrying. It’s as smooth as it gets.
Get 10% off on your first purchase With The code “HD10”

Where Does Real Mad Honey Come From?
Real Mad Honey sources their honey from high elevations in Nepal and Turkey, where the purest mad honey, with the highest concentration is found.
Is Mad Honey Hallucinogenic?
The recommended dose typically doesn’t have major hallucinogenic effects. However, the effects experienced by each individual can vary depending on the quality and concentration of the honey, as well as the person taking it.
Does Real Mad Honey Do 3rd Party Testing On Thier Honey?
Yes, the products are 3rd party tested. Currently, Real Mad Honey products are tested by LabNagel, based in the Netherlands.